how often should you feed your Betta fish

How often should I feed my Betta fish: Complete Feeding Guide

The Betta fish is one of the aquarium keepers’ favorite residents because of its vibrant color and unique nature. Especially, the distinctiveness of its personality makes it tough to ignore. They require special attention while you are taking care of them. And the betta food is a major concern for many people nowadays. To keep…

Things you can do to comfort a dying fish

How To Comfort A Dying Fish: 11 Things You Can Do Right Away

Pets, particularly fish, are like our family. They give us an immeasurable amount of joy. But just like the happy memories, there is a wave of sadness when they’re about to die. It’s hard to know when a fish is ill, and even harder trying to comfort them in its final moments. It’s not easy…

Wonders in Fish Keeping- Anableps (the Four-eyed Fish)

Wonders in Fish Keeping- Anableps (the Four-eyed Fish)

Nature- it is quite a strange thing. There is perhaps no fish in the hobby for which the sentiment is more accurate than a fish called Anableps anableps. Unofficially, anableps is called the four-eyed fish, but does it really have quadrable assets for sight and vision? Not quite true. Each of the two eyes is…

How To Get Your Betta To Make A Bubble Nest

Exclusive Tips on How To Get Your Betta To Make A Bubble Nest

If you own bettas for several months at least, you would probably see bubble nests inside the aquarium. These nests are built by betta, particularly male bettas, for mating purposes and caring for the eggs. However, sometimes you might see bettas not making bubble nests inside the aquarium. It might happen for several reasons. But…

How Big Can Goldfish Get

How Big Can Goldfish Get: Tips on Growing Your Goldfish Bigger and Faster

Many of us think that their goldfish is pretty happy in a community tank or bowl with a few inches of length. Well, this is not true. Don’t get shocked! A goldfish can grow bigger than you have ever imagined in your wildest dream. In fact, the idea of goldfish growing small in size is…

How Long Do Goldfish Live

How Long Do Goldfish Live and Ways to Increase Their Lifespan

There is little doubt that goldfish tops the priority list of most aquarium hobbyists, thanks to its beautiful and eye-pleasing appearance. However, many people don’t know how long do goldfish live and also keep them in poor tank condition. Hence, it is promptly essential to know the average lifespan of goldfish and their tank management…

Betta Tank Mates

What Fish Can Live With Siamese Fighting Fish: Betta Tank Mates

Siamese fighting fish, or, most popularly known as Betta fish, is a highly territorial fish. So, they will fight to the death to protect their territory. Breeders have taken advantage of it to make the betta a popular fighting fish for the competition from a pre-historic period. And even after years of captivity, Siamese fighting…

How to use Aquarium salt for betta fish

How to Use Aquarium Salt for Betta Fish: Complete Guide

Aquarium salt, chemically known as NaCl, is just a pure salt without additives or colors. Its popularity with those who pet freshwater fish, especially betta, is huge due to its deadly effects on parasites, aid in osmoregulation, availability, and cost-effectiveness. All of these benefits may make sense for you if you know how to use…

betta fish swimming sideways

Why Is My Betta Fish Swimming Sideways: Everything You Need to Know About Swim Bladder Disease

For any beginner betta fish owner, one of the most frightening scenarios to approach their fish aquarium is only to discover that the betta fish is swimming sideways. Such sideways swimming or floating upside down will mainly happen because your betta is experiencing Swim Bladder Diseases, aka SBD. Guess what? Things can become really scary…

Do Betta Fish Come Up for Air

Do Betta Fish Come up for Air? Why Is My Betta Fish Gulping Air?

Unlike many species, bettas can use their gills and a lung-like organ named labyrinth to breathe air. They depend mostly on their gills and use the special organ occasionally. But do they ever come very close to the surface water to catch air? Bettas come up for air, and it is likely for them as…

Unhappy or Stressed Betta Fish

How to Tell If Your Betta Fish Is Unhappy or Stressed: 6 Symptoms Of An Stressed Betta

One of the reasons betta fish are adorable is their interesting colors. Few people can overlook the beauty and grace of how these little creatures swim. The subtlety of their fin movements creates a charming sight. What if you don’t see any of these in your betta? Is it sickness or stress that’s causing all…

do betta fish sleep

Do Betta Fish Sleep? How to Tell If a Betta Fish is Sleeping?

Since betta fish are hyperactive, the hobbyists and new fishkeepers will be less likely to see their betta sleeping. Naturally, many betta fish owners keep asking the question, ‘Do betta fish sleep?” They also wonder when and how do these beautiful fish sleep and how to tell if these are really sleeping or not. Let’s…

how long do betta fish live

How Long Do Betta Fish Live: Five Exclusive Ways to Increase Your Betta Lifespan

Betta fish, also known as Siamese Fighting Fish, is one of the most sought-after aquarium fishes, particularly for the new fish keepers. Betta fish looks elegant with its colorful body, beautiful fin, and tail design, as well as majestic movements in the water. Since betta fish is easy to rear up, and they have a…

Why Do Betta Fish Fight

Why Do Betta Fish Fight: Things You Should Know!

Siamese Fighting Fish or Betta Fish is a wonderful addition to one’s aquarium. These fishes are colorful, elegant, and beautiful enough to draw attention from everyone. So, naturally, they have been the favorite pet item over the years. While you may want to keep the betta fish with other species, it evokes concern since betta…

Why Do Betta Fish Make Bubbles

Why Do Betta Fish Make Bubbles: Things You Need to Know

Owners of betta fish have more or less been confronted with one common thing – small bubbles around the betta fish tank. These bubbles are often found in clusters on the water surface. I have come across many people wondering about the source of these bubbles, and some even go frenzy. Many start searching Google…

Best Cichlid Food

8 Best Cichlid Foods For Growth & Color: Herbivore & Carnivore Cichlid Diets Reviewed

Among the countless species out there, cichlids are surely one of the hot favorites of the aquarists. Wild fishes don’t need to maintain a diet and they can go eating whatever they want. However, in an aquarium, the situation is entirely different. The growth, color and health condition of the cichlids depend widely on what…

Fancy Guppy

15 Best Algae Eaters : Your Trusted Partner in a Freshwater Planted Tank

Algae generate oxygen in water by converting the harmful elements like the nitrite and carbon-dioxide. They also eliminate many of the toxic fish wastes by converting them into harmless byproducts. Then why should you worry about having the best algae eaters in the aquarium at your home? Well, the first problem algae creates is hampering…

Best Betta Fish Food

Best Betta Fish Food Reviews (Feeding Guide & Top Picks)

If you just want the answer, which foods are best for your Betta, here is the summary – “Best Betta Fish Food should be rich in protein and meaty. Frozen or Live Blood-worms, Daphnia, Mosquito Larva and Brine Shrimps are best.” Just like human, Bettas also throw tantrums when they don’t like any food. So,…