what do cherry shrimp eat

What Do Cherry Shrimp Eat

Cherry shrimp is one of the rapidly increasing shrimp breeds as pets. Its vibrant color and attractive appearance combine with natural caring to make it immensely popular among aquarists. Experts speak that the majority of cherry shrimp caring depends on its diet and feeding. That often leads to another crucial question,” What do cherry shrimp…

How Often Do Crystal Red Shrimp Molt

How Often Do Crystal Red Shrimp Molt: Facts And Tips

Crystal red shrimp is the new buzz in the aquarium world with its vibrant red and white color combination. Naturally, aquarium hobbyists are running after the CRS (crystal red shrimp) like crazy. However, with such craziness, amateur aquarists are having some problems. One such problem arises when the shrimp owner first see their pet shredding…

keep crystal red shrimp with red cherry shrimp

Can You Keep Crystal Red Shrimp With Red Cherry Shrimp?

When it comes to shrimp keeping (or breeding), both Crystal Red Shrimp (CRS) and Red Cherry Shrimp (RCS) enjoy unmatched popularity. Both shrimps have attractive color patterns and intriguing characteristics that make them so famous. As a shrimp owner, the majority of aquarists want to have both the shrimp types in their freshwater aquarium to…

Grading Crystal Red Shrimp

An In-depth Guideline on Grading Crystal Red Shrimp

Crystal red shrimps (CRS) are the latest buzz in the world of the freshwater aquarium hobby. It is capturing everyone’s heart with its beautiful and lovely red and white color pattern. Moreover, this active member of the Bee shrimp family is comfortable to take care of in the tank environment. Naturally, beginners love starting their…

Do cherry shrimp need a heater

Do Cherry Shrimp Need A heater? Facts and Myths Declassified

Cherry shrimp, or more accurately known as red cherry shrimp is a popular invertebrate aquarium pet, thanks to its vibrant red color. To speak the truth, if you have a lush green filled aquarium, the redness of cherry shrimp will work as a cherry in the pie. With such beauty, red cherry shrimp askes extensive…