Corals or reefs such as the Stony corals are widely known for their structural formations, which are made out of calcium carbonate. They are the prime jewel of every enthusiastic reef keeper.

However, keeping the reefs healthy and thriving is not an easy task. They demand a lot of attention and care than a regular fish tank. Of the top of the list, corals must be kept in a saline environment with strict ionic balance.

For this, you need a buffer such as the Seachem Reef Buffer to keep the necessary parameters in check so that you have a beautiful reef tank in your living room.

In this Seachem Reef Buffer review, we have assessed the key points that can help you in deciding whether to choose this product or not.

Seachem Reef Buffer Review

Things to Consider Before Buying

The smaller the aquarium, the more challenging it becomes to keep it surviving because the levels of nitrate, ammonia, salinity, and pH can change quickly. For this, the Seachem Reef Buffer can be very useful.

·      Not ideal for increasing carbonate alkalinity

Although the reef buffer does increase the carbonate concentration in the water, the primary reason for using it is to have a steady pH balance in the tank.

If you are looking for a product that can only increase the alkalinity levels. Then, this may not be the product that you should opt for. Instead, you can purchase the Reef Builder or Reef Carbonate, both of which are produced by Seachem.


Ideally, the alkalinity level in an aquarium should be in the range of 3-5 mEq per liter. The Reef Builder raises the carbonate content without affecting the percentage of other necessary minerals such as strontium, calcium, and magnesium.

Similarly, the Reef Carbonate has a concentrated combination of bicarbonates and carbonates that specifically restores the alkalinity in the reef tank.

Presenting The Seachem Reef Buffer

The Seachem Reef Buffer is an ideal product for restoring the pH levels in a reef tank. The production of biological waste by the aquatic creatures and the corals and an increase in the levels of carbon dioxide in the room are a few of the reasons why the tank can become acidic.

An increase in the acidity of the water can stop the growth of the corals and can also cause them to die. For this, the reef buffer, which is a combination of the carbonate and bicarbonate salts, can increase the pH level.

However, we recommend you to check the acidic concentration of the tank before you use the buffer. Apart from this, this product can also increase the carbonate level by raising the pK level, which in turn raises the pH.

Also, one should keep in mind that if the carbonate alkalinity level reaches 6 mEq per liter and the tank is still cloudy for more than 15 minutes, then it is an indication of ionic imbalance and can be adjusted by balancing other minerals.


  • Raises the pH level
  • Raises the carbonate level
  • Does not increase the pH beyond 8.3 if an excess amount is added accidentally
  • Safe and convenient to use


  • Increase in the alkalinity level can cause depletion of other minerals such as strontium, magnesium, and calcium
  • The primary function is to increase pH and not carbonate levels

Seachem Reef Buffer Review: Features and Benefits

Seachem Reef Buffer Review

·      Raising the pH

Slight changes in water chemistry can significantly affect aquatic life. Because of the closed space inside the tank, biological waste such as ammonia, nitrates, and nitrites from the occupants can get accumulated in a short period.

With a lower pH, the health of the occupants in the tank will deteriorate. This parameter can be monitored by testing the aquarium water by using a test kit. The blend of salts in the reef buffer reduces the acidity of the water by adjusting the level to 8.3.

A dose of 5 grams is sufficient for every 150 liters or 40 gallons to raise 0.1 pH. The buffer should be added to the tank at least once or twice a week.

·      pK Levels

The pK and the pH levels are similar in a solution. The value of one affects the other. The higher the value of pK, the higher is the value of pH.

In a regular fish tank, a pK value of 8.3 is sufficient to keep a balance between the acidic and alkaline content. However, in a tank inhabited by corals and other marine creatures, this value is not enough.

The pK of 8.3 merely raises the pH to a range of 8.0 and 8.2, which is below the necessary standard for the corals to thrive. For this reason, the pK of the water should be increased to 8.6 so that the pH can rise to an ideal level of 8.3.

·      Raises Alkalinity

There are three primary minerals and elements mostly found in a planted tank, such as magnesium, calcium, and carbonates. The three of them serve major roles in the growth and stability of the tank.

Carbonate creates the ion balance in the water tank and also promotes the growth of the coral. A slight deficiency in the carbonate level can make the tank to become acidic and also cause the corals to die.

Although it is not the first and foremost function of this product, the buffer also raises the alkalinity levels. It increases the alkalinity by 0.5 mEq per liter, which is about 0.125 grams for every 4 liters or one gallon of water.


Reef breeding is a far more laborious task than an ordinary fish tank. As there are far more parameters that need to kept in check to keep the organisms thriving.

Unlike other brands available in markets, Seachem Reef Buffer is the only brand that provides you with the proper blend of both bicarbonates and carbonates that are needed to raise the pH and the alkalinity level of the water.

The pK helps in raising the pH in the tank. Although there is no danger to the aquatic life in the case of excess dosage, you can, however, adjust it according to the size of your tank while administering the buffer.

We hope our Seachem Reef Buffer review can help you make an informed decision for the betterment of your tank.

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