Most people admire an aquarium because it adds décor to the house. But there are a lot of materials that go into keeping its environment functional and healthy.

The aquatic plants and fish need nutrients to thrive. If you are planning to keep a planted aquarium, you need to know about the necessary components. Other than filtration and lighting, it also needs a substrate. Our subjected component, seachem flourite, is also such a substrate for planted aquarium.

A substrate is a nutrition-rich aqua soil that is laid at the bottom of the tank to root the plants into. There are various kinds of a substrate which work in different ways. However, the primary function of a substrate is to enhance the growth of the plants.

Furthermore, it also helps the aquarium become more livable for the fishes. However, you need to choose the right kind of fertilizer for your planted aquarium. This is because the wrong type of substrate will hinder the development of vegetation.

Therefore, you need an aqua soil that is compatible with both the aquatic plants and fishes in your aquarium. In this Seachem Flourite review, we will be highlighting the features and benefits as well as its pros and cons.

Based on this review, you can decide whether or not the product is good enough for your planted tank.

seachem flourite black sand review

Things to Consider Before Buying

As mentioned earlier, the primary use of a substrate is to increase the growth of your aquatic plants. Choosing the best substrate makes a massive difference in your planted tank, and it can also impact the outcome of your aquarium.


Other than aquatic plants, they also maintain the health of the fishes and different marine life. The one we are reviewing today has some demerits too, and you should know it before hopping on the purchase train.

·      Not Suitable for Cories and Loaches

Cory catfishes are small and peaceful aquatic creatures who reside at the bottom of a planted tank. They are known as bottom dwellers, so they mostly live in the fertilizer.

Loaches, too, are freshwater fishes, known to live at the bottom of an aquarium. These two types of fishes might not be compatible with living together, but they are also unsafe if planted in a tank filled with Seachem Flourite.

This is because some of the pieces of the fertilizer are sharp. So, the sharp pieces might cut and injure the bottom-dwelling cories and loaches. If you happen to have any of these in your planted tank, then this substrate is not for you.

Presenting The Seachem Flourite

Seachem Flourite is a reliable porous gravel clay made for a planted aquarium. This product is compatible with aquatic plants but is also suitable for freshwater aquariums.

One of the best things about is this substrate is that it can be mixed with other fertilizers, but it can also be used as an individual substrate for your planted aquarium. It comes in four different colors, red, black, regular, and dark.

So, you can choose the color that best matches your aquarium and its environment. The fluorite stones mixed in the fertilizer are beneficial for a planted tank because they are firm enough to hold the plants in place while you set up the tank.

The clay gravel is porous, so the water can be filtered easily to create a natural circulation. Each of the stones comes in different shapes, so it gives the whole mix a unique look.

Furthermore, it is not coated with any harmful chemicals to ensure the safety of the planted aquarium. The substrate can also manage the pH level of your aquarium without unsettling the overall environment of it.

However, the substrate dominating the market is the ADA Aquasoil. The fertilizer is rich in nutrients, which promotes the growth of aquatic plants. It also keeps the water from being cloudy after it is ultimately settled in the planted tank.

But it produces ammonia in the soil a lot slower than the Seachem Flourite. Also, the Seachem Flourite substrate will not affect the pH level of your tank. Another alternate you may consider is the Fluval Stratum.


  • Remains intact and fresh over time
  • It never has to be replaced
  • Available in different colors
  • The clay stones hold the plants down securely


  • The sharp edges may harm soft plant roots
  • Needs to be cleaned multiple times before putting in the tank
  • Sharp pieces of stones might injure fishes like cory and loaches
  • It might require additional fertilizers or root tabs

Seachem Flourite Review: Features and Benefits

·      Suitable for Plant Roots

One of the significant advantages that you get from this product is that it contributes rooted aquatic plants with a solid base. This helps the plants to create a healthy and robust root system.

Most of the aquatic plants contain roots, so it is vital that they a place to spread their roots. It also has a balanced porosity and stable consistency so that the roots can grow sufficiently in the aquarium.

The porosity of this substrate allows the nutrients, water, and other essential components to be delivered efficiently to the roots for healthy and active plant growth.

·      Remains Stable and Intact

Most of the substrates tend to lose their nutrients within a short time, so they have to replace quickly. In the case of Seachem Flourite, you never have to remove the substrate.

It has an astonishingly long life, so once you put it into your aquarium, the fertilizer can remain there for the entirety of your planted tank. The high-quality substrate will not break down even after long term use.

Even though your tank might get cloudy when you first put the substrate in the container, it will eventually dissolve and sink in the water. A thorough washing before adding it to the tank will keep the water crystal clear and healthy.

·      Available in Different Colors

The product comes in 4 vibrant colors, red, dark, black, and regular. Each of the colors is equally nutritious and stable. They are not coated with any volatile materials, so your aquatic plants and fishes will remain safe and lively.

Any of the colored substrates can be added to your aquarium. You can choose the one which makes the tank look aesthetic and classy.

Final Words

We hope our Seachem Flourite review was informative and resourceful. This substrate is both effective and versatile except its incompatibility with Cories and Loaches.

Therefore, you can undoubtedly make the purchase if you have other fishes in your planted tank, excluding the ones mentioned.

We wish you happy fishkeeping!

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