In this article, we present the Eheim Pro 4+ 600 Review, which is a domestic aquarium filter and ideal for any household tanks.

Many people who have aquariums at homes often have misconceptions regarding the functions of a proper aquarium filter. Even some long time fish keepers are susceptible to such mistakes.

To ensure a healthy life for your tank inhabitants, you need to understand the different types of wastes that grow or accumulate over a while. Apart from the physical debris that exerts from the substrates, there are other harmful organic particles you need to keep in check.

The EHEIM Pro 4+ 600 canister filter can help you eliminate all the wastes and harmful organic materials that will inevitably grow due to the aquatic ecosystem.

Things to consider before buying

When you purchase a filter, there are a few key points that you need to bear in mind. There are different types of filters, and each is customized to suit a particular set of criteria, such as a tank’s size or the type of inhabitants in it.

·      Capacity of the filter

The pro 4+ series is available in three different sizes -250, 350, and 600. These models can filter tanks with a capacity of 30 gallons up to 160 gallons. So, you can choose the model according to the size of your aquarium.

Moreover, the 350 model has an alternate version, 350e, which can be controlled using an electronic device. In this way, you can monitor your filter even when you are away.

·      Shrimp tank users


If you have tiny shrimps in your tank, then there is a chance that they may get caught in the filtration device because of the strong currents caused by the substantial flow rate.

So, to avoid the shrimps from being harmed, you can purchase an extra EHEIM pre-filter, and you can connect it to the intake pipe. This pre-filter is separate from the one that is already available with the device.

·      Replacement of the biological media

The pro plus series comes with bio mech, which ensures the breakdown of any harmful toxins that are present in the water. However, the media itself is biological; therefore, they need to be replaced regularly in about six to twelve months.

Presenting The Eheim Pro 4+ 600 Filter

The Eheim Pro 4+ is an updated version of the Pro 3 series canister filter that you can install externally. Unlike its traditional predecessors, each component of this product comes in sleek black color, which beautifully complements the tank.

It has a swift and steady flow rate of 330 gallons per hour, along with adjustable settings. Depending on the model, the power consumption of the filter ranges from 12 to 16 watts.

Also, the device comes equipped with a self-priming function, so you don’t have to prime the filter by yourself. There is also Substrat-Pro and a safety adapter for the hose available with this series.

The filter is suitable for both marine and freshwater tanks. There are multiple filtration layers with different types and sizes of media. So, the water from the tank goes through an extensive purification process to give it pristine clarity.


  • The self-primer feature is available
  • Easy to maintain
  • Both bio and mechanical filtration media available
  • Range extender feature is available


  • Length of the intake tubing may be short
  • Body of the filter is made out of plastic

Eheim Pro 4+ 600 Review: Features and benefits

·      Range Extender

This series comes in with a newly added feature, that is, the range extender. This unique feature comes in handy, especially when you are cleaning the substrate in the aquarium, and it leaves a large amount of debris in the water.

Typically, the tank water initially passes through the fine media and then flows into the coarse ones. However, in this case, the chances of the filter getting clogged up quickly are high. In this situation, the feature can come in handy.

It blocks the tank water from going in the subtle filtration levels. The water then gets purified by passing through the coarse levels where excess debris from the tank is separated.

Apart from this, if you are a little behind in maintaining your filter regularly, you can use this feature and delay the cleaning period for a while.

·      Pre-filter

The gadget comes with a pre-filter tray which is placed at the first level of the device. The water from the tank directly flows into the pre-filter.

The tray contains a sponge that traps any large or sizable debris. Thus, the pre-filter acts as the primary settlement and eliminates the need for extra rings that were common in the previous series.

Also, being placed at the highest layer, it is easily removable, and you can wash the sponges without difficulty.

·     Filter Media

There are four media trays in the filter with two different types of media, namely, the mech pro and the bio mech. After the pre-filtration tray, the next two layers contain the bio mech media, followed by the bottom two layers containing the mech pro media.EHEIM Pro 4+ 600 Aquarium Filter

·     Bio Mech

A bio mech is an advanced form of media that is biological. The surface of it is designed to be porous so that it can block both large and small dirt from the filter.

Along with debris in the tank, there are harmful toxins and mineral build-ups such as ammonia, nitrates, and nitrites. When they exceed their desired levels, they can be toxic to the fishes.

For this, the pore structure and the composition of the media ensure a complete deconstruction and neutralization of the tank’s toxins. Thus, it helps in improving the health of the tank inhabitants.

·     Mech Pro

The Mech Pro is built out of light-weight plastic. For better bacterial growth in the medium, the structure of it is designed in a spiral manner with ribs on the outer and inner surfaces. The ribs assist in properly trapping the minute dirt particles in the water.

·      Self-priming

The self-priming feature allows you to prime the filter easily with the push of a button. With this function available in the series, you don’t require any additional suction cups to remove air from the tubing, which was essential in the earlier series. It also helps in starting the filter quickly and efficiently.

How To Setup EHEIM Pro 4+ 600 Filter

Setting up is almost same as any other canister filters. Check out the user manual provided in Eheim website. Watching some setup tutorials is always helpful.

Alternates You May Consider

Here are some top notch canister filters that you can consider as well –

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Final thoughts

Having a beautiful aquarium at home is lovely to look at, but maintenance becomes tough if you don’t have the right gadgets for it. The EHEIM pro 4+ 600 comes with a pre-filter, bio, and mechanical filter to ensure thorough filtration of numerous contaminants that accumulate in the tank. Also, the range extender function eases your workload of continually cleaning the filter.

In this EHEIM Pro 4+ 600 review, we have discussed all the essential aspects of this filter. Therefore, you can comfortably make an informed decision if the merits of this product are in accordance with your needs.

We wish you happy fishkeeping!

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