Pools are the ultimate fun summer activity. Whether it’s a pool party with friends or an afternoon by yourself, they’re always a good time. But if you’ve got a pond and aren’t ready to part ways just yet, don’t worry! You can turn your pond into your very own pool.

Turning a pond into a pool is not that hard if you know the basics. You need to have a filtering system to keep the water clear. After that, line the pool if it is necessary for your pool type. Fill the pool with water now and recheck everything. Finally, beautify it with different elements such as stones, gravel, plants, etc. And that’s how to turn a pond into a pool.

How to Turn a Pond into a Pool : An in-depth look

Suppose you are in a situation where you have got a dirty, ugly, and unwanted pond in your compound. Of course, you do not really like it. Now, what is the solution?

Either get rid of it entirely by filling it up or turn it into something beautiful that will change your yard’s entire scenario and make you feel proud. You might be wondering, Heh! How is that even possible?

Well, it is very much possible, and there are many ways; however, I suggest you turn your pond into a pool. I believe that is the best solution to this problem. Yes, I know it takes quite some money, time, and effort to make a pool, but hey, I can assure you that you’ll never regret making that decision.

You can go for either natural or traditional options, such as concrete, fiberglass, and vinyl pools. After deciding the pool genre, collect the necessary materials, dry out and reconstruct the plot.

As for how you will turn your unpleasant pond into a heavenly pool? Fret not; I am here to guide you. If you want to find out how to turn a pond into a pool, keep reading. In this article, I will share some expert pieces of advice regarding this matter.

What Type of Pool Do You Want?

Now that you have decided to make a pool replacing the existing pond, the next question pops out: What kind of pool do you want to make?


If you want to make a traditional pool, there are three options; you can make it with either Concrete, Fiberglass, or Vinyl. And then there is the natural pool, which is more like a pond but more serene and made mainly for swimming and beautifying your compound.

Let’s discuss a few points about each of them.

1. Concrete Pool:

This one is the most popular among all of the options. I can undoubtedly say that this is the most long-lasting choice, but it is also the most expensive one. Taking care of this pool is quite burdensome as well. Moreover, the chlorine water used in this pool is definitely not good for your skin and eyes.

concrete pool
concrete pool

There is flexibility in designing the pool. You can make it of many different shapes, sizes, and depths. Concrete is one of the sturdiest materials; therefore, the pool will last for a long time. If properly maintained, you will not have to worry much about fixing it now and then.

Installing this pool is not easy (unless you are a DIY freak); in one way or another, you will certainly need some experts to check if everything is appropriately installed or not. It will cost you quite some Benjamins, you know.

2. Fiberglass Pool:

Then there comes the Fiberglass Pool. These are handcrafted and in-mold pools made with fiberglass. Installing them is extremely easy. They arrive almost 100% ready to be installed; all you need is to place them properly on the ground replacing your pond.

Fiberglass Pool
Fiberglass Pool

Various renowned companies manufacture fiberglass pools; just send them your required shape and measurement, and voila! Your pool is ready! However, keep in mind that there are some limitations regarding the versatility of their designs.

Another good side is, there are some color options from which you can choose. Sounds colorful, right? I will not say fiberglass is cheap, but indisputably it is more affordable than concrete. It is pretty durable as well.

3. Vinyl Pool:

Vinyl pools are made mainly out of vinyl, as you can assume. This pool has a custom-made sheet of vinyl between the pool structure and the water. Underneath the liner will be the floor of your pond.

Vinyl Pool
Vinyl Pool

These are pretty flexible and will not crack like concrete pools. Pools with vinyl liners usually last more than twenty years; however, you have to replace the vinyl every 7-8 years in order to make them last this long.

One of the best sides of a vinyl pool is its versatility. Unlike fiberglass, vinyl offers unlimited options to choose from. You can adjust the size, shape according to your demand. This one is also the cheapest option if compared to the previous two materials.

4. Natural Pool aka Aquascape:

If you want a more natural experience every time you dive into the water, this is the right choice. I bet we all have a dream house with a natural pool in the compound (unless you are an Eskimo!).

Well, you can fulfill that dream simply by turning that filthy pond into a beautiful natural swimming pool with serene landscapes and all.

Natural Pool
Natural Pool

I will not say it is easy, but it is worth the struggle. Also, I will not say building it is cheap, but maintaining it will certainly take significantly less amount of money compared to the other mentioned options.

Unlike the traditional pools, it will not require that many chemicals for maintaining a natural pool. Thus, it is more healthy too. Aquascapes use different types of plants and helpful bacterias to keep the water clean and hygienic. So, you will have all the fun of a pool more naturally and healthily.

Steps for Turning a Pond into a Pool

Hopefully, by now, you have already decided what kind of pool you want to make by replacing that disturbing pond of yours. If yes, let’s get started. Follow the steps mentioned below.

1. Collect Necessary Materials

First and foremost, collect all the materials you will need to make the pool. You will require some common materials in whatever type of pool you want to make, and there will be some unique ones. The list might include the water pump, filter, linings, stones, cement, concrete, plants, etc.

2. Dry Out the Pond

Now it is time to get rid of that ugly pond from your compound; juice it out completely! I mean, pump out all the water from the pond and let it get dry for a few days.

Pumping is easy; you may use a submersible pond pump or an external pond pump. You may also use a solar pump if your pond is not that big. Before pumping, designate an area where you will drain the water.

Submersible pumps will require you to put the pump in the deepest part of your pond. External pumps work similarly, but here, the pump is situated outside the pond in a dry place.

It pumps out the water using two hoses. The solar pump is relatively slow compared to these two. But it is worth it if the pond is small.

If your pond is small, there is another option for you, which is quite convenient. If you don’t want to invest in a pump, try siphons. It works best if your pond is in a hilly or elevated area.

Although it takes more time than the pumps, it will cost you less to nothing. So yeah, why not opt for it if you have enough time in your hand?

3. Recreate the Hole by Digging

As the water is out, the pond is dry now. Now it is time for you to reconstruct it to achieve your desired design. You can change the overall shape and size and dig deeper or fill it to adjust the height. In this particular part, there is a high chance that you might need some professional support from the experts.

When it comes to experts, you know you will have to pay a hefty amount to get your job done. It might cost you around $35k or so to install a pool, depending on the size, as usual. The advantage of hiring experts is they will provide you a complete solution.

If you want to save cash, you will have to go through some hard manual labor. Dig it up all by yourself.

Or, I recommend you to take help from your friends and family if you need to reconstruct the hole in a short time. Otherwise, it might take days, even months, to complete, depending on the size of your pond.

You can also rent a backhoe; it will take quite some cash. However, it will save your energy and precious time.

4. Install Pump and Filtration System

It doesn’t matter if you are going for a traditional or natural pool; you will need to install a pump and filtration system for it. You can hire experts to do this job if you have a handsome budget. However, if you want to save money and decide to install it yourself, you need to buy some necessary parts.

Let’s talk about filters now. There are few options available in the market; amongst them, the cheapest one, according to our study, is the sand filter. When water enters this filter, it goes through the sand, and thus, the debris gets caught. FYI, this is not just any sand, but a special type.

Then comes the Diatomaceous Earth, aka DE Filter. Unlike sand filters, water goes through layers of crushed seashell powder here. During the cleaning process, if the powder backwashes, you must replace it. Thus it has some health hazards that you will have to keep in mind.

When it comes to natural pools, you will need some natural elements, you know. There has to be one or few designated plant zone(s), which will not be on the swimming place, but a bit further on the corners or outskirts of the pool.

The pump and skimmer system has to be installed at a certain distance; it should not be too close to the pool. Its pipes will go underground and open near the plants to go through them before reentering the waterbody. So, the plants work as natural filters here.

5. Lining the Pool

After completing the steps mentioned above, you will now have to line up the pool. You may have to frame your pool first, depending on the type you are going for.

Before installing the lining, vinyl pools take an additional day or two to dry the concrete-made base. Concrete pools usually take some weeks to cure. If you are going for a natural pool, you will again have to add some gravel to line the bottom of the pool after lining it.

Read Next: Best Pond Liners

6. Fillup the Pool with Water

It may sound easy, but filling a pool with water has to be maintained properly and carefully, especially if it is for the first time. Leaks can appear on the pipes and the pool itself; you will have to check them thoroughly.

You will also have to check and recheck the mechanical parts. Hopefully, if everything goes fine in the first few weeks, you will not have to worry about them for many upcoming days.

The filter plays a vital role in keeping the overall health of an ideal pool. Maintaining the filter and the quality of the water is a significant part of the maintenance. You have to ensure the water is clean and chemically healthy frequently.

After filling the pool with water for the first time, do not forget to check the pH of the water. You can do it on your own simply by using test strips. Sometimes, the local water also has to be treated in order to maintain safe water. Also, check if the material used for making the pool is ok or somehow damaged.

Before jumping into the water, do not forget to “shock” the water. Scratching your head, wondering what on earth is that?

Well, shocking is a process in which a large amount of pool sanitizer is mixed with the water. It helps the entire pool and its water to get exposed to chlorine.

The sanitizer to water ratio will depend on the type of sanitizer you are using. Once it is applied, you will have to run the pool’s pump for around six hours.

7. Final Touch

Congratulations! Your pool is ready. Now all you need to do is beautify the landscape as per your choice.

There are plenty of things to play with when it comes to pool decorating. You can add plants, big stones, gravel, tiles, lawn chairs, fences, etc., inside or around the pool.

It is all up to you how you want to decorate it. You can follow some already existing pool decorations or be creative and paint your landscape however you wish.

Some Tips

  • In some areas, you will need new or additional permits before turning a pond into a pool or creating a new one. Make sure you get the permit first, and then start digging.
  • You may take the help of your local pool company to know the standard chemical level in the water of your area. Also, try to figure out if the local water supply deposits minerals due to hard water or not.

Additional Read: Can you turn a swamp into a pond?

Wrapping Up

See? It was not that hard. All you have to do is follow the instructions I have shared, and you will have a pool right outside your house. You will not have to deal with that unnecessary and unwanted pond anymore.

Now that you know how to turn a pond into a pool, what are you waiting for? Start digging, get rid of that ugly, useless pond, and make a masterpiece in your yard where you can spend some quality time with your friends and foes.

Go swim!

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