Winter is bad news if you’re a pond owner. There’s debris everywhere, ammonia build-up is frequent and your once vigorous pond is now reduced to a frozen shell. What can you do?

Anything frozen needs to be heated up, your pond is no exception. If the temperature of your pond goes below 50 degrees Fahrenheit, then heating it becomes a must unless you want to be the king of dead fish.

Freezing ponds are not a funny matter and we don’t want you to take it lightly. And, to help you out in case you ever face a situation like this I have come up with some great tips on how to heat a pond.

Pond heating 101

When facing the harsh climate of winter, heating might be the only factor in deciding whether your fish live to see the next spring.

There are several methods by which you can keep your pond warm and let me just say this in the open, most of them are right; as long as you are following one properly.

How to heat up a pond
Frozen Pond

It can range from using high tech electrical heaters or not using any mechanical devices at all, so there are vast choices.

Below I will discuss a few strategies which I believe to be good for your pond in winter-

Electric heater

This is the captain obvious of this article. The thought of an electric heater can’t escape your mind when you are talking about winter and freezing. Electric heaters are bona fide default choices when we talk about heating things up.

It’s fully obvious what a heater does, they use electrical power to generate heat to keep your surroundings warm. You can take a small heater and place it anywhere in your pond.


However, if you place it near the top it’ll stop ice formation and allow gases to be released.

The electrical heaters you’ll be using in the pond are generally made for tanks, so depending on the size of your pond you might need more than one. Rule of thumb implies one heater per 120 gallons of water.

Solar power heater

This is the easiest thing to use in this article. It is the same as electrical power heaters but instead of feeding electricity, it gets its energy from the sun. Other than its power source, its working principle is similar to the electrical heater.

Being eco friendly and affordable on the power bills, no wonder it is a popular pick amongst pond owners.

But there are some disadvantages which might or might not apply to you depending on the situation.

First of all, these kinds of products have higher upfront pay but a lower long-term investment. So, you need to have some more cash at hand now then you can relax later.

Secondly, no sunlight would mean no solar power. If your pond doesn’t have sunlight then this machine is useless. That’s another matter you need to keep in mind.

If none of these is an issue for you, then you’re good to go.

Gas boiler and heat exchanger

With one of these, you can circulate heat within the pond at ease. First, water that is inside the heating system, [i repeat, heating system, not inside the pond] is heated up in the boiler.

This boiled water is sent to the heat exchanger. While this is happening, a separate chamber is getting filled with pond water. Now, the pond water will end up absorbing heat from the boiled water then will be returned to the pond.

Floating de-icer

Let me introduce you to a floating buddy of mine. This machine will keep your pond free from ice while floating like a plant. They are easy to install, just place them where you want, turn it on and let it do its work.

They prevent ice formation on top of your pond and keep your fish safe while not ruining the aesthetics of your pond.

You might have noticed I’ve emphasized on ice a lot, didn’t you? That’s because thanks to ice formation, gases inside your pond won’t have any way to escape, similarly, no oxygen will be able to enter as well.

The entire ecosystem of your pond relies on oxygen. So, by being left alone for months without oxygen, it’ll be a slow painful death for your fish.

Reduce surface area

If you lower the water level of your pond, heat will remain in your pond longer. Because a reduced area means that it’ll have less chance to be cooled. It looks like a silly idea but people have done it and gotten away with it.

However, it is less likely to work for a huge pond.

By using these methods, you’ll get great results and will be able to successfully keep your pond warm

Heater vs De-icer

Both heating and de-icing are awesome ways to keep your pond warm. And there’s not a clear winner, only preferences. You won’t be wrong by choosing any of them.

If you live in a mildly cold area where the temperature hardly goes below 25 degrees Fahrenheit, then just a de-icer will do. It’ll make sure no ice is formed and the pool is warm.

For thin layers of ice, a heater is not necessary.

In case you live in an area where the temperature does go below 25 degrees Fahrenheit, in such case, you need both a de-icer and heater.

Because de-icer might prevent the ice formation but it won’t be enough to warm the pond up. Having a heater as an extra support would benefit you a lot in this case.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Can heaters damage fish?

A: Pond heaters are absolutely safe and rarely harm fish. If you fear fish will bump into the heater then place them near a direct flow like a jet or fountain. Modern heaters come with protective covers to prevent situations.

Q: How do fish die in winter?

A: If you still keep feeding fish during hibernation, they won’t be able to digest it all, so uneaten food will decompose to become ammonia that gets broken down into nitrates and nitrites, which are toxic for fish.

Tips on pond heating

  1. Make a decently deep pond. Shallow ponds are prone to freezing easily. Deep ponds are warmer in winter and colder in summer compared to shallow ponds.
  2. Limit feeding your fish in winter. As they are hibernating, they don’t need much food like they need normally.
  3. Herons tend to be active in winter, be careful otherwise your fish can fall prey to them.
  4. Plants halt their growth and lose their leaves during winter, so there are a lot of decaying leaves everywhere that cause oxygen depletion. To avoid this, remove all foliage and debris.

You got yourself a warm and happy pond

Congratulations! If you made it this far you know how to heat up a pond properly and what approach will be good for you. Freezing ponds are devastating and I have confidence that you’ll take this seriously. Be the savior of your precious pond!

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